For Professionals

For Professional Clinicians

We enable P&O professionals to transfer their clinical skills and expertise to the digital realm of orthotics and prosthetics.
We provide advice and training on digital workflow integration into your Orthotic and Prosthetic practice.

We provide the following services to professionals:

  • 3D Orthotic and Prosthetic design
  • 3D cast rectification and modelling
  • 3D Scanning of patients and casts or moulds
  • Prototyping and definitive device 3D printing
  • Consulting and training

We use external companies and our own in-house 3D printers for fabrication, and all our prosthetic and orthotic design work is done in-house. 

Please look at the Services we offer the prosthetic and orthotic profession and feel free to browse our gallery to see some of the work that has been done.