About Us

OrthoAdditive Africa was founded by Christiaan du Toit in 2022, a BHF-licenced and HPCSA-registered orthotist and prosthetist in South Africa.  Christiaan developed a special interest in neurodevelopmental conditions affecting the paediatric and adult populations. During years of private practice, it became evident that traditional fabrication methods posed many challenges for the paediatric population. Not only is the process resource intensive, but children also grow, so items need to be cost-effective over the long run. Other challenges such as weight, volume, temperature and cost made these products unattractive to the children and their parents.

With the advent of additive manufacturing, we can address these challenges. And not only in the paediatric population. Additive manufacturing for prosthetics and orthotics is not a novel approach. It is a proven means for achieving better results with higher efficiency and lower cost in many orthotic and prosthetic industry avenues. OrthoAdditive Africa is set to discover how we can apply these new technologies to provide innovative healthcare solutions for the Subsaharan continent. Christiaan is also researching at Stellenbosch University, specifically exploring the adoption of 3D-printed devices for children with disabilities. 

Although we are very excited about the possibilities of additive manufacturing, we know from clinical experience that it is not appropriate in all scenarios (yet!), and we are not limited to a total digital takeover. We are committed to clinical excellence. If you prefer a traditionally manufactured device, we are more than happy to do things the trusted way. And remember that the digitisation process is modular. You can switch to traditional methods at any point during the process. Whether you prefer to do your cast rectifications by hand but need a 3D printed device, or you have a 3D scan and want to manufacture a traditional device, we can help you obtain the desired result.

Have a look at our Workflow section to know more, read our blog and follow us on social media to see what we are doing, and feel free to reach out for collaborations.